Re: [Xen-API] Xen-API SDK
Hi Chounduy,
This is the link to download the xenapi.py
Cheers, On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 3:02 AM, Chonduy Nguyen <chonduy9@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Marco, I would like to use XenAPI python version - and wondering if I need to download the whole SDK or not? I tried to download this - and unzip but didnot see XenAPI.py there.
Can you please help? Thanks Thuymai
Yes, this is the same API to use with XCP. You can manipulate all of XCP objects using the XenAPI.py, including start/stop Vms :) The xenapi connect on the dom0 master node and manage all resources like networks, VDIs, SRs, etc...
More information please read this reference manual:
This has all you need.
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Chonduy Nguyen <chonduy9@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi I can't find XenApi.py on www.xen.org but I find it from commuity.citrix.com/display/xs/Download+SDKs
May I ask if this is the same as XCP XenAPI? Can I use XenAPI send command to VM ? - I saw the doc mentioned doing this by calling XenAPI.xapi_local() but in my case I want to have webservice running at different server to access VM remotely ( start/stop) Vm .
I saw some discussion saying that we can't do XenAPI to send command. (???) Is that mean we need to have XenAPI webserver on each VM as XenAPI.Session(url) -- require url passing in Please let me know - I am new with this
Thank you Thuymai
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-- Marco Sinhoreli
-- Marco Sinhoreli
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