# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1263336661 0
# Node ID eb25907b24f6e386beea49d6160e1c2381694b6d
# Parent a55bf5604cb881b788f10433f66ced392e0d31a2
CA-36384: [experimental PCI passthrough]: Device.PCI.{,un}plug now choose
unused 'dev-X' xenstore entries to store their configuration, compatible with
Device.PCI.add and Device.PCI.list. Also tidy up the mess of format strings.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r a55bf5604cb8 -r eb25907b24f6 ocaml/xenops/device.ml
--- a/ocaml/xenops/device.ml Tue Jan 12 22:51:00 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/device.ml Tue Jan 12 22:51:01 2010 +0000
@@ -931,6 +931,9 @@
type dev = int * int * int * int
+let to_string (domain, bus, dev, func) = Printf.sprintf "%04x:%02x:%02x.%01x"
domain bus dev func
+let of_string x = Scanf.sscanf x "%04x:%02x:%02x.%02x" (fun a b c d -> (a, b,
c, d))
exception Cannot_add of dev list * exn (* devices, reason *)
exception Cannot_use_pci_with_no_pciback of t list
@@ -953,7 +956,7 @@
with _ -> -1
- let name = sprintf "%04x:%02x:%02x.%01x" domain bus slot func in
+ let name = to_string (domain, bus, slot, func) in
let dir = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/" ^ name in
let resources = map_resource (dir ^ "/resource") in
let irq = map_irq (dir ^ "/irq") in
@@ -1011,7 +1014,7 @@
let others = (match flrscript with None -> [] | Some script -> [
("script", script) ]) in
let xsdevs = List.mapi (fun i dev ->
- sprintf "dev-%d" i, sprintf "%04x:%02x:%02x.%02x" dev.domain
dev.bus dev.slot dev.func;
+ sprintf "dev-%d" i, to_string (dev.domain, dev.bus, dev.slot,
) pcidevs in
let backendlist = [
@@ -1080,7 +1083,7 @@
do_flr device;
List.iter (fun (domain, bus, slot, func) ->
- let devstr = sprintf "%.4x:%.2x:%.2x.%.1x" domain bus slot func
+ let devstr = to_string (domain, bus, slot, func) in
let s = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/" ^ devstr in
let driver =
try Some (Filename.basename (Unix.readlink (s ^
@@ -1111,7 +1114,7 @@
let devstr = xs.Xs.read (backend_path ^ "/dev-" ^
(string_of_int i)) in
- let dev = Scanf.sscanf devstr "%04x:%02x:%02x.%1x" (fun
a b c d -> (a, b, c, d)) in
+ let dev = of_string devstr in
devs.(i) <- Some dev
with _ ->
@@ -1126,7 +1129,7 @@
debug "Device.Pci.reset %s" (string_of_device x);
let pcidevs = enumerate_devs ~xs x in
List.iter (fun (domain, bus, slot, func) ->
- let devstr = sprintf "%.4x:%.2x:%.2x.%.1x" domain bus slot func
+ let devstr = to_string (domain, bus, slot, func) in
do_flr devstr
) pcidevs;
@@ -1169,14 +1172,32 @@
(* XXX: no response protocol *)
+(* Return a list of PCI devices *)
+let list ~xc ~xs domid =
+ let path = device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid in
+ let prefix = "dev-" in
+ let all = List.filter (String.startswith prefix) (try xs.Xs.directory path
with Xb.Noent -> []) in
+ (* The values are the PCI device (domain, bus, dev, func) strings *)
+ let pairs = List.map (fun x -> x, xs.Xs.read (path ^ "/" ^ x)) all in
+ let device_number_of_string x =
+ (* remove the silly prefix *)
+ int_of_string (String.sub x (String.length prefix) (String.length x -
(String.length prefix))) in
+ List.map (fun (x, y) -> device_number_of_string x, of_string y) pairs
let plug ~xc ~xs (domain, bus, dev, func) domid devid =
- let pci = Printf.sprintf "%.4x:%.2x:%.2x.%.1x" domain bus dev func in
+ let current = list ~xc ~xs domid in
+ let next_idx = List.fold_left max (-1) (List.map fst current) + 1 in
+ let pci = to_string (domain, bus, dev, func) in
signal_device_model ~xc ~xs domid "pci-ins" pci;
- xs.Xs.write (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^ "/dev-0") pci (*
XXX *)
+ xs.Xs.write (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^ "/dev-" ^
(string_of_int next_idx)) pci
let unplug ~xc ~xs (domain, bus, dev, func) domid devid =
- signal_device_model ~xc ~xs domid "pci-rem" (Printf.sprintf
"%.4x:%.2x:%.2x.%.1x" domain bus dev func);
- xs.Xs.rm (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^ "/dev-0")
+ let current = list ~xc ~xs domid in
+ let pci = (domain, bus, dev, func) in
+ let idx = fst (List.find (fun x -> snd x = pci) current) in
+ signal_device_model ~xc ~xs domid "pci-rem" (to_string (domain, bus,
dev, func));
+ xs.Xs.rm (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^ "/dev-" ^
(string_of_int idx))
(* XXX: this really should be tied to the device rather than being global.
Also we should make it clear that 'unplug'
is asynchronous. *)
@@ -1185,19 +1206,6 @@
| "pci-removed" -> () (* success *)
| x -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Waiting for state=pci-removed; got
state=%s" x)
-(* Return a list of PCI devices *)
-let list ~xc ~xs domid =
- let dom0 = xs.Xs.getdomainpath 0 in (* XXX: assume device model is in domain
0 *)
- let path = Printf.sprintf "%s/backend/pci/%d/0" dom0 domid in (* XXX:
another hardcoded 0 *)
- let prefix = "dev-" in
- let all = List.filter (String.startswith prefix) (try xs.Xs.directory path
with Xb.Noent -> []) in
- (* The values are the PCI device (domain, bus, dev, func) strings *)
- let pairs = List.map (fun x -> x, xs.Xs.read (path ^ "/" ^ x)) all in
- let device_number_of_string x =
- (* remove the silly prefix *)
- int_of_string (String.sub x (String.length prefix) (String.length x -
(String.length prefix))) in
- let pci_device_of_string x = Scanf.sscanf x "%04x:%02x:%02x.%02x" (fun a b c
d -> (a, b, c, d)) in
- List.map (fun (x, y) -> device_number_of_string x, pci_device_of_string y)
module Vfb = struct
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
ocaml/xenops/device.ml | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
Description: Text Data
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