Hi Jonathan,
Thanks very much for your help! The set_memory_limits not found in API
documentation, therefore I didn't used this function.
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Jonathan Knowles
<jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Marco Sinhoreli wrote:
>> I'm using the python xenapi. Above the source code for setup VM memory
>> dynamic and static:
>> <code>
>> [...]
>> # Configuring the VM memory
>> memory_size = str(memory_size * 1024 * 1024)
>> self.master.VM.set_memory_dynamic_max(vm, memory_size)
>> self.master.VM.set_memory_dynamic_min(vm, memory_size)
>> self.master.VM.set_memory_static_max(vm, memory_size)
>> self.master.VM.set_memory_static_min(vm, memory_size)
>> [...]
>> </code>
> Okay, I think I can see the problem here.
> XAPI rejects any API calls that would violate the following
> constraint:
> static-min <= dynamic-min <= dynamic-max <= static-max
> The section of code you've posted above makes four separate API
> calls to update memory properties. XAPI will raise an exception
> if any one of those four calls violate the above constraint. To
> update memory properties in this way, you'd need to be careful
> with the order in which you make the calls...
> I recommend instead using the set-memory-limits function, which
> allows you to update these four values atomically.
> Marco, could you try replacing the above code with:
>> <code>
>> [...]
>> # Configuring the VM memory
>> memory_size = str(memory_size * 1024 * 1024)
>> self.master.VM.set_memory_limits(vm, memory_size, memory_size,
>> memory_size, memory_size)
>> [...]
>> </code>
> And let me know if that works?
> Best wishes
> Jonathan Knowles
Marco Sinhoreli
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