# HG changeset patch
# User Jonathan Knowles <jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1258732393 0
# Node ID bda91c19d7318e3c86f0f18914307195e3b78f7c
# Parent 3e8c0167940d249deeca80f93759bd1adf2c0a45
Adds a "-pad" function to the memory_breakdown tool.
When run with no arguments, memory_breakdown periodically prints a single line
to stdout containing memory data for the host and all currently active domains.
When run with '-pad <file>', where <file> contains the data output from a
previous run, memory_breakdown inserts extra padding values so that all lines
in the output have the same number of columns.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Knowles <jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 3e8c0167940d -r bda91c19d731 ocaml/xenops/memory_breakdown.ml
--- a/ocaml/xenops/memory_breakdown.ml Wed Nov 11 16:55:51 2009 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/memory_breakdown.ml Fri Nov 20 15:53:13 2009 +0000
@@ -12,30 +12,59 @@
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-(** Command-line tool for displaying host and guest memory usage. *)
+open Listext
+open Stringext
+open Unixext
+(** Command-line tool for sampling host and guest memory usage. *)
(** {2 Command line interface} *)
-let cli_description = "Displays a breakdown of host and guest memory usage."
+let cli_description = "\
+ Displays a breakdown of host and guest memory usage.\n\n\
+ \
+ When run with no arguments, memory_breakdown periodically prints \
+ a single line to stdout containing memory data for the host and all \
+ currently active domains.\n\n\
+ \
+ When run with '-pad <file>', where <file> contains the data output \
+ from a previous run, memory_breakdown inserts extra padding values \
+ so that all lines in the output have the same number of columns.\n"
-let cli_delay_period_seconds = ref (1.0)
+let cli_argument_delay_period_seconds = ref (1.0)
+let cli_argument_existing_file_to_pad = ref ""
-let cli_arguments_named =
- ["-period", Arg.Set_float cli_delay_period_seconds, "Delay between
+let cli_arguments_named = [
+ "-pad",
+ Arg.Set_string cli_argument_existing_file_to_pad,
+ "Pads an existing data file";
+ "-period",
+ Arg.Set_float cli_argument_delay_period_seconds,
+ "Delay between updates";
+ ]
let cli_arguments_extra =
(fun x -> Printf.fprintf stderr "Ignoring argument: %s" x)
-(** {2 XenStore paths} *)
+(** {2 Helper functions} *)
+module Int64Set = Set.Make (Int64)
+let ordered_list_of_int64_set set =
+ List.sort Int64.compare (Int64Set.fold (fun x y -> x :: y) set [])
+let flip f x y = f y x
+(** {2 XenStore functions} *)
let supports_ballooning_path =
- Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%Ld/control/feature-balloon"
+ Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%s/control/feature-balloon"
let is_uncooperative_path =
- Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%Ld/memory/uncooperative"
+ Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%s/memory/uncooperative"
let memory_offset_path =
- Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%Ld/memory/memory-offset"
+ Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%s/memory/memory-offset"
let memory_target_path =
- Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%Ld/memory/target"
+ Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%s/memory/target"
(** Returns true if and only if the given [path] exists in XenStore. *)
let xs_exists xs path =
@@ -45,78 +74,246 @@
let xs_read xs path =
try Some (xs.Xs.read path) with _ -> None
-(** Prints (to the console) memory information about the given [guest]. *)
-let print_guest_info xc xs guest =
- let id = Int64.of_int guest.Xc.domid in
- let total_bytes = Memory.bytes_of_pages
- (Int64.of_nativeint guest.Xc.total_memory_pages) in
- let maximum_bytes = Memory.bytes_of_pages
- (Int64.of_nativeint guest.Xc.max_memory_pages) in
- let shadow_bytes =
- if guest.Xc.hvm_guest then try
- Memory.bytes_of_mib
- (Int64.of_int (Xc.shadow_allocation_get xc
- with _ -> 0L else 0L in
- let supports_ballooning = xs_exists xs (supports_ballooning_path id) in
- let is_uncooperative = xs_exists xs (is_uncooperative_path id) in
- let read_bytes_from_kib_key path = match xs_read xs path with
+let xs_read_bytes_from_kib_key xs path = match xs_read xs path with
| None -> "n/a"
| Some (string) ->
- Int64.to_string (Memory.bytes_of_kib (Int64.of_string
string)) in
- let target_bytes = read_bytes_from_kib_key (memory_target_path id) in
- let offset_bytes = read_bytes_from_kib_key (memory_offset_path id) in
- Printf.printf " | %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld %s %s %b %b"
- id
- shadow_bytes
- maximum_bytes
- total_bytes
- target_bytes
- offset_bytes
- supports_ballooning
- is_uncooperative
+ Int64.to_string (Memory.bytes_of_kib (Int64.of_string
-(** Prints (to the console) memory information about the current host. *)
-let print_host_info xc xs =
- let time = Date.to_string (Date.of_float (Unix.gettimeofday ())) in
- let host_info = Xc.physinfo xc in
- let total_bytes = Memory.bytes_of_pages
- (Int64.of_nativeint host_info.Xc.total_pages) in
- let free_bytes = Memory.bytes_of_pages
- (Int64.of_nativeint host_info.Xc.free_pages) in
- let scrub_bytes = Memory.bytes_of_pages
- (Int64.of_nativeint host_info.Xc.scrub_pages) in
- let guests = Xc.domain_getinfolist xc 0 in
- Printf.printf "%s %Ld %Ld %Ld"
- time
- total_bytes
- free_bytes
- scrub_bytes;
- List.iter (print_guest_info xc xs) guests;
- print_endline "";
+(** {2 Host fields} *)
+let host_time h =
+ Date.to_string (Date.of_float (Unix.gettimeofday ()))
+let host_total_bytes h = Int64.to_string
+ (Memory.bytes_of_pages (Int64.of_nativeint h.Xc.total_pages))
+let host_free_bytes h = Int64.to_string
+ (Memory.bytes_of_pages (Int64.of_nativeint h.Xc.free_pages))
+let host_scrub_bytes h = Int64.to_string
+ (Memory.bytes_of_pages (Int64.of_nativeint h.Xc.scrub_pages))
+let host_fields = [
+ "host_time" , host_time ;
+ "host_total_bytes", host_total_bytes;
+ "host_free_bytes" , host_free_bytes ;
+ "host_scrub_bytes", host_scrub_bytes;
+ ]
+let host_field_names = List.map fst host_fields
+let host_field_extractors = List.map snd host_fields
+(** {2 Guest fields} *)
+let guest_id xc xs g = string_of_int
+ (g.Xc.domid)
+let guest_total_bytes xc xs g = Int64.to_string
+ (Memory.bytes_of_pages (Int64.of_nativeint g.Xc.total_memory_pages))
+let guest_maximum_bytes xc xs g = Int64.to_string
+ (Memory.bytes_of_pages (Int64.of_nativeint g.Xc.max_memory_pages))
+let guest_target_bytes xc xs g =
+ xs_read_bytes_from_kib_key xs (memory_target_path (guest_id xc xs g))
+let guest_offset_bytes xc xs g =
+ xs_read_bytes_from_kib_key xs (memory_offset_path (guest_id xc xs g))
+let guest_balloonable xc xs g = string_of_bool
+ (xs_exists xs (supports_ballooning_path (guest_id xc xs g)))
+let guest_uncooperative xc xs g = string_of_bool
+ (xs_exists xs (is_uncooperative_path (guest_id xc xs g)))
+let guest_shadow_bytes xc xs g = Int64.to_string
+ (if g.Xc.hvm_guest
+ then
+ try
+ Memory.bytes_of_mib
+ (Int64.of_int (Xc.shadow_allocation_get
xc g.Xc.domid))
+ with _ -> 0L
+ else 0L)
+let guest_fields = [
+ "id" , guest_id , "-" ;
+ "maximum_bytes", guest_maximum_bytes, "0" ;
+ "shadow_bytes" , guest_shadow_bytes , "0" ;
+ "target_bytes" , guest_target_bytes , "0" ;
+ "total_bytes" , guest_total_bytes , "0" ;
+ "offset_bytes" , guest_offset_bytes , "0" ;
+ "balloonable" , guest_balloonable , "false";
+ "uncooperative", guest_uncooperative, "false";
+ ]
+let get_1 (x, _, _) = x
+let get_2 (_, x, _) = x
+let get_3 (_, _, x) = x
+let guest_field_names = List.map get_1 guest_fields
+let guest_field_extractors = List.map get_2 guest_fields
+let guest_field_defaults = List.map get_3 guest_fields
+(** {2 Functions that sample the system and print sparse data to the console}
+(** Prints memory field names to the console. *)
+let print_memory_field_names () =
+ let host_field_names =
+ host_field_names in
+ let guest_field_names =
+ (List.map (fun n -> "[" ^ n ^ "...]") guest_field_names) in
+ print_string "| ";
+ print_string (String.concat " " host_field_names);
+ print_string " | ";
+ print_string (String.concat " | " guest_field_names);
+ print_endline " |";
flush stdout
-(** Prints (to the console) column header information. *)
-let print_header () =
- print_endline
- " time total free scrub \
- | id shadow maximum total target offset balloonable
uncooperative \
- | ...";
+(** Prints memory field values to the console. *)
+let print_memory_field_values xc xs =
+ let host = Xc.physinfo xc in
+ let guests = List.sort
+ (fun g1 g2 -> compare g1.Xc.domid g2.Xc.domid)
+ (Xc.domain_getinfolist xc 0) in
+ let print_host_info field =
+ print_string " ";
+ print_string (field host) in
+ let print_guest_info field =
+ print_string " | ";
+ print_string (String.concat " " (List.map (field xc xs)
guests)) in
+ print_string "|";
+ List.iter print_host_info host_field_extractors;
+ List.iter print_guest_info guest_field_extractors;
+ print_endline " |";
flush stdout
(** Sleeps for the given time period in seconds. *)
let sleep time_period_seconds =
ignore (Unix.select [] [] [] time_period_seconds)
+(** Prints a header line of memory field names, and then periodically prints a
+ line of memory field values. *)
+let record_new_data () =
+ print_memory_field_names ();
+ Xenops_helpers.with_xc_and_xs
+ (fun xc xs ->
+ while true do
+ print_memory_field_values xc xs;
+ sleep !cli_argument_delay_period_seconds;
+ done
+ )
+(** {2 Functions that transform sparse data files into padded data files} *)
+let sections_of_line line =
+ let line = String.strip ((=) '|') line in
+ let sections = String.split '|' line in
+ List.map (String.strip String.isspace) sections
+let domain_ids_of_string domain_ids_string =
+ try
+ List.map Int64.of_string (String.split ' ' domain_ids_string)
+ with _ ->
+ []
+let domain_ids_of_line line =
+ match sections_of_line line with
+ | host_info_string :: domain_ids_string :: rest ->
+ domain_ids_of_string domain_ids_string
+ | _ -> []
+let domain_ids_of_file file_name =
+ ordered_list_of_int64_set
+ (file_lines_fold
+ (fun domain_ids line ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (flip Int64Set.add)
+ (domain_ids)
+ (domain_ids_of_line line))
+ (Int64Set.empty)
+ (file_name))
+let pad_value_list domain_ids_all domain_ids values default_value =
+ let fail () = raise (Invalid_argument (
+ if (List.length domain_ids) <> (List.length values)
+ then "Expected: length (domain_ids) = length (values)"
+ else if not (List.is_sorted Int64.compare domain_ids)
+ then "Expected: sorted (domain_ids)"
+ else if not (List.is_sorted Int64.compare domain_ids_all)
+ then "Expected: sorted (domain_ids_all)"
+ else if not (List.subset domain_ids domain_ids_all)
+ then "Expected: domain_ids subset of domain_ids_all"
+ else "Unknown failure"))
+ in
+ let rec pad ids_all ids vs vs_padded =
+ match (ids_all, ids, vs) with
+ | (id::ids_all, id'::ids, v::vs) when id = id' ->
+ pad ids_all ids vs (v :: vs_padded)
+ | (id::ids_all, id'::ids, v::vs) when id < id' ->
+ pad ids_all (id' :: ids) (v :: vs)
(default_value :: vs_padded)
+ | (id::ids_all, [], []) ->
+ pad ids_all [] [] (default_value :: vs_padded)
+ | ([], [], []) ->
+ vs_padded
+ | _ ->
+ fail ()
+ in
+ List.rev (pad domain_ids_all domain_ids values [])
+let pad_value_string domain_ids_all domain_ids (value_string, default_value) =
+ Printf.sprintf "%s |"
+ (String.concat " "
+ (pad_value_list
+ (domain_ids_all)
+ (domain_ids)
+ (String.split ' ' value_string)
+ (default_value)))
+let pad_value_strings domain_ids_all domain_ids value_strings =
+ String.concat " "
+ (List.map
+ (pad_value_string domain_ids_all domain_ids)
+ (List.combine value_strings guest_field_defaults))
+let pad_data_line domain_ids_all line =
+ match sections_of_line line with
+ | host_string :: domain_ids_string :: value_strings ->
+ Printf.sprintf "| %s | %s"
+ (host_string)
+ (pad_value_strings
+ (domain_ids_all)
+ (domain_ids_of_string domain_ids_string)
+ (domain_ids_string :: value_strings))
+ | _ ->
+ line
+let print_padded_data_line domain_ids_all line =
+ try
+ print_endline (pad_data_line domain_ids_all line)
+ with _ ->
+ (* Just ignore lines that cannot be processed for any reason. *)
+ ()
+let print_padded_header_line domain_ids_all =
+ Printf.printf "| %s | %s\n"
+ (String.concat " " host_field_names)
+ (String.concat
+ (" | ")
+ (List.map
+ (fun name ->
+ String.concat
+ (" ")
+ (List.map
+ (Printf.sprintf
"%s_%Ld" name)
+ (domain_ids_all)))
+ (guest_field_names)))
+let pad_existing_data () =
+ let domain_ids_all =
+ domain_ids_of_file !cli_argument_existing_file_to_pad in
+ print_padded_header_line domain_ids_all;
+ file_lines_iter
+ (print_padded_data_line domain_ids_all)
+ (!cli_argument_existing_file_to_pad);
+ flush stdout
+(** {2 Command line entry point.} **)
let () =
- print_header ();
- Xenops_helpers.with_xc_and_xs
- (fun xc xs ->
- while true do
- print_host_info xc xs;
- sleep !cli_delay_period_seconds;
- done
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ if !cli_argument_existing_file_to_pad = ""
+ then record_new_data ()
+ else pad_existing_data ()
1 file changed, 263 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
ocaml/xenops/memory_breakdown.ml | 332 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
Description: Text Data
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