[Xen-API] Re: Change Virtual Machine environment
Jean-Michel Guillaume a écrit :
Hello everyone,
I'm currently trying to write a unified API for VM management and Xen
Oss is one of the softwares I've to manage.
I first used Libvirt but it lacks some features only available on Xen
API, so I'm bringing my first implementation to Xen API.
I have now to find a way to put some data programmatically into the
virtual machine.
Is there any way to get this done either using Xen API or an other API
and how could I read back the data from the virtual machine
(environment variables, virtual machine parameter...)?
With VMware ESX, for exemple, you can change virtual's parameters and
get them from the virtual thanks to the guest tools.
And an other question... while I was looking for a way to get that done
for XenServer, I noticed that the help mailing list
for XenServer management API was the same... Is this possible to manage
both Xen Oss, XenServer & XenDesktop with
only one API?
Guillaume Jean-Michel
E-Mail : jean-michel.guillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone : + 33 (0)4 97 15 53 84
SAS au capital de 75.000 € - RCS de Grasse n° 500 807 284
2004, route des Lucioles – B.P.93
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