Re: [Xen-API] xen_vm_get_record give me some bad messages
yes it is from Xen API c-bindings
in guest_metrics there are some interesting things
One more question
How I can get actual cpu usage for some guest machine?
Replay From Jim Fehlig <jfehlig@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> nikolanikov@xxxxxxx wrote:
> > when I use xen_vm_get_record I get
> >
> > Struct did not contain expected field suspend_VDI.
> > Struct did not contain expected field crash_dumps.
> > Struct did not contain expected field guest_metrics.
> >
> > How can I fix this I use Xen 3.1
> >
> I presume you are using the Xen API c-bindings? I see
> such messages as
> well. Xend is not populating these fields and hence the
> c-bindings
> complain when unmarshalling the on-wire structure. I
> have been ignoring
> them unless it is a field of interest - in which case a
> patch is sent to
> xen-devel :-).
> Regards,
> Jim
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